Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Social Score Bureau = Best Place to Get Social Scores

Recently I stumbled upon the website the Social Score Bureau and put in my Twitter information to get my social scores. The Bureau really helps people understand what a social score means by giving you three scores. One from Ambit, one from Peer Index, and one from Klout. Coming here was by far the easiest way to get my social scores.

After using my Twitter to get my score I noticed that people can also use their Facebook accounts to do this! So now not only can you know your social score from twitter, you can also see your social score from Facebook!

Then after getting my score I was directed to Social Score Rewards where you can get free rewards for getting your social score. These social rewards ranged from coupon deals, to free giveaways. Check out their website to sign up for great deals!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Insurers are now using your Social Score!

Check out this informative article on how your insurance company might soon be soon analyzing you by your Social Score.

Now is the time more than ever that watch what you say and do online and become more responsibly socially active.